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1-888-702-6910 Non-continental US +1-917-398-0017

13.3-inch screens with 20-pin cable. Image distortion.

A question from our customer:
"When I connect the new screen to my Apple Macbook I see the image, but with the pink tint. What is it caused by?"

The issue is caused by the incorrect installation. One or a few pins were bent during installation, and the image is affected by incomplete connection of the video cable. Those pins are very fragile, and can be easily bent if the connector is forced into the socket.
Carefully inspect the cable to find the bent pin. See the picture below:
One pin is bent.

Use a magnifying glass to locate the bent pin.
It is easy to fix using tweezers, or by putting a flat object between the pin and the frame and making the pin stand straight with other pins.